Petroleum is to this day one of the most important fossil fuels, next to natural gas. Crude oil is of great
importance to the global economy, as are the products obtained from the petroleum through refining
and cracking.
UBecom professionals have knowledge and experience in oil & gas exploration (upstream) and
transport & refining (downstream). Our professionals are available for short and long projects and
work both nationally and internationally. Scroll down for our areas of expertise and the industries
in which we operate.
- Project management
- Work preparation
- Engineering
- Construction
- Commissioning
- Document control / as-built
- Shipping industries
UBecom professionals work in the following industries
- Petrochemical industry
- Food, Pharma & Drugs Industry
- Information technology
- Energy industry
- Machine & Equipment Building
- Mechanical & Process Industry
- Offshore & Shipbuilding
- Oil & Gas Industry
- Renewable Energy